Desi_MC said:
Mystique said:
Ah, good for you!![]()
Oh yeah.
Desi_MC said:For you I got special designer one from the house of Chanel.
Say what ??![]()
Desi_MC said:after much waiting.
I sent my old iPhone classic US model to the store.
And bought the new iPhone 3G.
Oh boy this little innovative device is like super fast.
It has everything.. and i mean EVERYTHING.
The very first text message.
I just need to buy a sacci looking casing for it to prevent from scratching and all.
Any help on that ???
I been googling a lot on this.
But they don't show 3-D picture/show.
Because i want to see how the casing would look from all sides.
*goes to again*
Desi_MC said:I am great.
Just uploaded all my music to my new iPhone 3G.
Downloaded few extra usefull apps.
Now i have everything in my hand/pocket.![]()
SupidGuy said:HAHAHAHAHA
nai changay tay menuu hoor BUTTON vee lagg day nay!!!!
lekin fir Vee PRINT SCREEN di gall hi kujj hoor aye!!!!![]()
olldman said:
Mystique said:
olldman said:
~tasha~ said:
olldman said:->
One went that way.
We should follow it.![]()
After you Mystique
olldman said:
Mystique said:Is it Casper?
My favourite Casper. Hoping you go after it and find out.
olldman said:Fantastic signature, Mystique.
Rapunzel said:missing u @ msn
~CHANDNI~ said:
japphiyaa papphiyaaa luv u jani